
Convocatorias Postdocs


posts: 18

Hola a todos,

perdón, ante todo, por pedirles algo de interés tan personal, pero estoy con las posdoc del micinn y la persona responsable me ha pedido un modelo de "INFORME DEL RESPONSABLE DEL PROYECTO EN EL GRUPO RECEPTOR" para orientarse, ya que es de EEUU y desconoce a los burócratas hispanos: ¿alguien podría decirme en qué debe consistir, idealmente, tal informe? ¿Me podéis pasar un modelo o algo parecido?

Gracias y saludos,


posts: 18

1001 Gracias frasedo y erizocanadiense por los modelos:

como pensaba, pura burocracia que nos podrían ahorrar.

Un abrazo y suerte,


posts: 50

To whom it may concern:
This letter is to confirm that I am willing to host XXXXXXXXXXXX as a postdoctoral fellow in my
research group at the University of XXXXXX, if he is awarded a Spanish Postdoctoral
I have read XXX’s research proposal, and I am convinced that his proposed research will
succeed. Research on bla bla bla needed, given the
increasing use of bla bla bla and in commercial products. XXX’s proposed
research provides some excellent ideas for addressing this very important issue. His proposed work is
the first of its kind to combine the use of well-BLA BLA
techniques to understand how BLABLA will influence BABLABLA
This work represents a new research area that is sure to have a big impact and will undoubtedly be
followed by other researchers.
By funding his postdoctoral fellowship, you will enable this creative science to be investigated. I am
very excited about the prospect of working with XXXX

Y todo con su membrete de la uni y to el rollo, sin firma ni nada que este año no la piden

posts: 143

Bueno, yo estaba igual, tambien es de una universidad EEUU y la verdad tampoco entendi la gillipolles estas del informe.

Basicamente creo que es una cartita con el membrete de la universidad y la firma si puedes, no se si sera esto pero es lo que yo voy a entregar ahi te mando un copi del mio

To Whom It May Concern:
I am delighted to endorse the application to your fellowship program submitted by Mr. frasedo, recent Ph.D. graduate in chicken matternity science from the university of hermanitas carmelitas .
Should he be selected as a postdoctoral fellow, I will make the appropriate arrangements to host him at my
institution throughout his assignment so that he may perform research under my supervision within my XXXXXXX group at the University of WHATHEVER-NEW MEXICO department of xxxxx.
I thoroughly appreciate the opportunity to support your program and the chance to mentor one of your highprofile

Prof. Albert Einstein

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